Glenda Skarie

Hello, my name is Glenda Skarie. I am a mixed media painter, sculptor, metalsmith, and metal clay artisan. I was born and raised in Puerto Rico. I currently live in Stuart, Florida where I teach workshops in my private studio. My journey began as a child going through my mother’s jewelry box trying to find out how things were constructed and how to fix the broken ones. I have been designing and creating jewelry for more than 25 years. 

Whatever I do in life, art is always a part of it. The inspirations from my creations come from life experiences and the performance of many artists I admire. My motivation is about what I will create rather than what I created. All my work is handmade and unique.

”The best thing about dreaming is waking up and realizing how beautiful your dreams have become.”-GS


Have any questions? We are always open to talk about new projects, creative opportunities, and how we can help you. 

ADORI ART by Glenda Skarie

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